By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA
The top posts on Healthin30 include topics on social media in health care, patient engagement, importance of teamwork in medicine, and healthy living.
Thank you for your insightful comments, tweets and postings to Facebook.
Social Media: Medical Social Networking – Part 2 [24 Comments 117 Tweets]
This is a comprehensive post that delves into medical professionals, patients and hospitals engaging in Social Media. I give examples of medical professionals and hospitals engaging in social media, useful health sites and online communities for patients. I answer the questions: How are medical professionals using social media to improve patient care? Are hospitals embracing social media? Why are patients receptive to social media? Why do patients engage in health communities and what kinds of communities are out there for patients looking for support? What is the best advice for patients to get the most out of their health care? […] Full Story>
Social Media: Barbara Ficarra on FOX News Live Talks About Medical Social Networking
Medical Professionals are using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and You Tube to engage patients in their health. They are using it to provide accurate information to help educate patients and to help empower them to be proactive and take charge of their health. I joined Dr. Marc Siegel, host of FOX NEWS to talk about how medical professionals and patients are using social networking. […] Watch Here – Full Story>
Social Media: Top 5 Useful Health Tweets
Twitter is a powerful form of social media, and it is a phenomenal resource for sharing information. Twitter can help improve your health…By following tweets from trusted sources you can find information that can help guide and support you. Tweets can offer advice and assist you in getting the health information you need…Find out the top 5 useful health tweets […] Full Story>
Tips for Women at Every Age to Help Stay Healthy
Life changes with every decade — from starting a career and family in your 20s and 30s to work-life balance, and saving for retirement in your 40s, 50s and 60s. And, as life changes so does your body. Just as you set personal and work-related milestones, you also should set health goals for every stage of life. And, we’ve created a plan to help guide you along the way […] Full Story>
What Everybody Ought to Know About Plastics
Information circulating about the dangers of plastic containers has created fear and confusion. Are plastic containers toxic? Do harmful chemicals leach out into its contents? Do we need to discard all plastic containers? […] Full Story>
So you’ve committed to an exercise program! Good for you! But did you know that you can boost your results and energy level with just a few simple changes in your diet? Experts recommend fueling up within two to four hours of a workout. And it’s the fuels you use that determine how much your body benefits from your workout. By eating the right foods before and after you exercise, you’ll give yourself the energy your body needs to keep going before, during and after each workout. […] Full Story>
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