A TEDEd Presentation, Sugar: Hiding in plain sight, plus other names for added sugar

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA

This is a short charming animated informational TED-Ed Original presentation, Sugar: Hiding in plain sight-Robert Lustig.

“While sugar is easy to spot in candy, soft drinks and ice cream, it also hides out in foods you might not expect — including peanut butter, pasta sauce and even bologna! Robert Lustig decodes confusing labels and sugar’s many aliases to help determine just how much of that sweet carbohydrate makes its way into our diets.”

Robert Lustig, MD is a UCSF Professor of Pediatrics, author and educator.

According to this TEDEd presentation, there are about 56 other names for added sugar.

  1. Barley Malt
  2. Barbados Sugar
  3. Beet Sugar
  4. Brown Sugar
  5. Buttered Syrup
  6. Cane Juice
  7. Cane Sugar
  8. Caramel
  9. Corn Syrup
  10. Corn Syrup Solids
  11. Confectioner’s Sugar
  12. Carob Syrup
  13. Castor Sugar
  14. Date Sugar
  15. Dehydrated Cane Sugar
  16. Demerara Sugar
  17. Dextran
  18. Dextrose
  19. Diastatic Malt
  20. Diatase
  21. Ethyl Maltol
  22. Free Flowing Brown Sugars
  23. Fructose
  24. Fruit Juice
  25. Fruit Juice Concentrate
  26. Galactose
  27. Glucose
  28. Glucose Solids
  29. Golden Sugar
  30. Golden Syrup
  31. Grape Sugar
  32. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
  33. Honey
  34. Icing Sugar
  35. Invert Sugar
  36. Lactose
  37. Malt
  38. Maltodextrin
  39. Maltose
  40. Malt Syrup
  41. Mannitol
  42. Maple Syrup
  43. Molasses
  44. Muscovado
  45. Panocha
  46. Powdered Sugar
  47. Raw Sugar
  48. Refiner’s Syrup
  49. Rice Syrup
  50. Sorbitol
  51. Sorghum Syrup
  52. Sucrose
  53. Sugar (Granulated)
  54. Treacle
  55. Turbinado Sugar
  56. Yellow Sugar

Your turn
Are you surprised to learn that there are other names for added sugar? Are you concerned with the amount of sugar in a food product or beverage? What tips do you have to eat healthier? Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below. You may also continue the conversation on Facebook.

As always, thank you for your very valuable time.

Barbara’s note
Food labels can be misleading and confusing. Sometimes the front of a food label may sound healthy, but it’s not. It’s important to turn the package over and read the list of ingredients, not just the front of the food label.

Next Up
John La Puma MD, a practicing physician, board-certified in internal medicine, a professionally trained chef, and a New York Times best-selling author, shares his expertise on the next Healthin30 post. [Until then, you may find more information here.]

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 TEDMED Great Challenges-Medical Communication-Barbara Ficarra


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