By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Recently, I had the pleasure of being surrounded by brilliant health care thought leaders. First, I delivered a social media presentation at the Eyeforpharma conference. Secondly, I sat in the audience at the Social Communications and Health Care 2011 conference to listen to others present on social media, and participate in a round-table discussion on social media. It’s clear from the personal discussion that followed with folks from the…
Read More...The World’s First Twitter Chat for Doctors
Guest post by Phil Baumann Hashtag for Twitter Chat for Doctors is #MDChat Physicians are an important part our society, possessing a wide array of knowledge and experience and insight into the human condition. The public value of this collective reservoir of talent is priceless. As the pace of our world quickens and the demand for information rises, needs for easily accessible commons for physicians to air their perspectives – from health to technology to…
Read More...Twitter Offers Web Presence for Doctors
By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA I asked Daniel Sands, MD, MPH, Director of Medical Informatics at Cisco IBSG and a primary care physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a few questions about twitter. 1. What value does tweeting health info bring to the public? By following tweets from health information sources that they trust, people can get general health tips, preventive health information, disease specific information, and even suggestions about to be more…