Part I By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA There’s no doubt that prescription drug abuse is a major problem in America, and it’s escalating in epic proportions. Prescription drug abuse affects men, women and teens. Concerning trends include older adults, adolescents and women. On MSNBC’s website, Karen Asp writes, Superwoman syndrome fuels pill-pop culture, and it’s about how “Overwhelmed overachievers turn to prescription drugs for an edge.” This article is a little misleading since there…
Read More...3 Ways to Boost Your Health: Meditate, Connect With Friends & Smile
3 Simple Things to Boost Your Health By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA 1. Meditate You may feel that you need to be in a lotus pose or in a spa like environment to gain the benefits of mediation, but truth is you can be anywhere. You can meditate while waiting in line at the post office, in a doctor’s office, during your daily walk, in the shower or while cooking dinner. Meditation can help…
Read More...Live in the Moment or Envision the Future?
How to get excited for both By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA I have a really good friend who has somehow mastered living in the moment. Ask him about the future and you won’t get much of a response. While I enjoy the “moments” of everyday I can’t help but move my mind forward to envision the future. Living in the moment has its rewards, but so does thinking about the future. The way in…
Read More...5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Health
Simple lifestyle changes boost your health–and your happiness By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Health care isn’t just what happens between you and your medical professionals. It’s how you care for yourself and maintain your health and well-being. Here are five ways to change your life in a way that will not only make you healthier, but happier too. 1. Connect with friends–face-to-face Spending time with your best friends is proven to be good for…
Read More...Prescription Drugs: Keep Out of Reach of Teens
By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Will Hiding Mom & Dad’s Meds Keep Teens’ Hands off Them? Keep Out of Reach of Teens While fewer teens may be trying inhalants as reported recently in The Wall Street Journal, more teens are abusing prescription drugs. “Every day, 2,500 kids age 12 to 17 abuse a prescription painkiller for the first time, and more people are getting addicted to prescription drugs,” according to the federal Substance Abuse…