Patient Engagement: The Pivotal Role of the Caregiver

This is a guest post by patient caregiver, Rob Harris, founder of Robcares.   He writes about how searching the Internet led to patient engagement and how it fostered a cohesive decision making process between health care providers, patient and caregiver.  Rob is a caregiver to his wife, Cindy, who is a two-time cancer survivor. “Patient engagement is more than patient satisfaction. It is patient involvement in every aspect…The patient engagement process consisted of my wife…


Health Care: Less Blame and More Engagement

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA [This is a follow-up post to Social Media:  3 Notable Quotes in the Social Health Space.] Health care happens before you visit with your doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care provider. Health care is about you. You have the choice to be an empowered, engaged and proactive consumer, and you have the choice to take action to live a healthier life.  It’s important to partner with your doctor…


Social Media: Are you engaged or do you ignore it?

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Can health care providers afford to ignore social media? Social Media Networking isn’t going to go away… …and trying to ignore won’t work… Social media is a powerful and phenomenal platform to disseminate valuable and trusted health information.  Are you engaged in social media networking or are you ignoring it? Social media allows health care silos the opportunity to engage with each other.  Health care conversations between the silos…


How is Gaming Changing the Landscape in Health Care? Part 3 | Bill Crounse, MD, Microsoft

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Bill Crounse, MD, Senior Director, Worldwide Health Microsoft Corporation answers the question, “How is Gaming Changing the Landscape in Health Care?” In Part 1, Fabio Gratton, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Ignite Health, answered the question, “How is Gaming Changing the Landscape in Health Care?” In Part 2, Joseph C. Kvedar, Founder and Director Center for Connected Health answered the question: “How is gaming changing the landscape in…


How is Gaming Changing the Landscape in Health Care? Part 2 | Joseph C. Kvedar, Center for Connected Health

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Health care industry insiders answer the question: “How is gaming changing the landscape in health care?” In Part 1, Fabio Gratton, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Ignite Health, shared his insightful thoughts and answered the question, “How is Gaming Changing the Landscape in Health Care?” In Part 2, Joseph C. Kvedar, Founder and Director Center for Connected Health answers the question: “How is gaming changing the landscape in…