Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is increasing at an alarming rate and the most shocking part is that obesity can be preventable. Children have become sedentary; many sit hours a day watching tv, playing video games or computer games. Add unhealthy eating to the mix and it’s a recipe for disaster. As health professionals we’re concerned because if your child is obese there is a higher chance that your child may develop diabetes, high blood pressure and heart…


Dr. Greene’s Top Parenting Dos and Don’ts

Each day I see parents trying their best to do what’s right for their families, but no one has the perfect guidebook that tells parents what to do. Here are the top eight solvable problems that I advise parents to remedy today. 1. Do… Have confidence in your parenting style. Don’t… Worry about what your parents or the neighbors or your child’s teacher thinks about your parenting style. Create a parenting style that makes you…


Back Up Your Child’s Diet

By Alan Greene, MD You know that it is wise to back up your computer’s hard drive; I recommend backing up your child’s food drive with a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement. This simple habit could improve your child’s health and even intelligence. I’ll explain briefly why I feel strongly about this: For young babies, breast milk provides an ideal food. The match between their complex nutritional needs and the milk that moms make is spectacular. In…


Safeguard your Children from Bullying

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA of Health in 30™ Bullying, it’s not just a part of growing up. It’s a major problem in the US, and according to Dr. Sheryl Harmer of the Committee for Children, 160,000 children miss school every day because of bullying. TIPS TO HELP SAFEGUARD YOUR CHILDREN FROM BULLIES Always have an on-going respectful relationship with your children. Always talk with your children. Always be engaging and listen to your…


Not Just Kid’s Play: Bullying Threatens Health, Heart, Mind

By Sheryl Harmer Dr. Sheryl Harmer directs curriculum development at Committee for Children in Seattle. Dr. Harmer is an international authority on the subject of bullying prevention. She spoke with Barbara Ficarra on September 8. Not Just Kid’s Play: Bullying Threatens Health, Heart, Mind Over 160,000 children a day. That’s the number of absences it’s estimated occur in American classrooms because of fears about bullying. Most of these kids won’t tell parents or teachers how…