Decorating For Stress-Free Living by Krista Watterworth, Designer and Host of HGTV’s Bad, Bad Bath

Krista Watterworth with Barbara Ficarra
Surround yourself with items that inspire you, that’s number one on what I like to call my “Dreamy Home List”.
Show off the best of who you are in your surroundings. It’s healthy to feel good when you’re at home. Feeling productive when needed and relaxed when desired are moods that your home should invoke.
Dreamy Home Tip #1: Start by creating an inspiration room – a place where you escape to feel good about yourself, your life and your surroundings.
Inspiration rooms should have elements that positively affect the five senses. It is a relaxing end to a stressful day or a rejuvenating jaunt into another world. For the sense of smell try lavender incense – often used as a homeopathic remedy for anxiety. A tabletop water fountain or relaxing music provides a soothing sound. Soft to touch are fabrics such as silk, cotton, or cashmere – so wrap yourself up! Cool blues and greens are settling and peaceful. Display ornaments such as buddhas or idols that evoke feelings of hope and safety. How about a picture of your favorite place to visit! A pitcher filled with filtered water, organic mints or even peppermint tea will please your sense of taste.
Dreamy Home Tip #2: Get rid of clutter and get organized. It not only looks better but you will find things more easily and quickly. One of my favorite projects was to create homemade storage boxes. I began saving boxes from holidays and deliveries. I collected decorative papers, stationary, wrapping paper, and interesting looking art magazines. I put together all the papers with a similar color scheme and complimentary patterns, and voila! – instant designer storage boxes! I labeled each one and I can now store items in open shelves, on tabletops, and counters by using my gorgeous new boxes.
Everything is in its place and there’s a place for everything.
Dreamy Home Tip #3: Make your bedroom your sanctuary. After all, it is the most intimate room in your home (next to the bathroom). Remove, cover or store all your electrical equipment – or better yet, don’t have any. This room has the greatest effect on your health and well-being because sleep and romance are essential to a balanced life. Electrical items create a conflict of energy, and your bedroom should nurture your soul.
Your home should provide inspiration, energy and relaxation. It should reflect positive notions of your sense of self, soften your edges as well as resonate with your sense of style. It’s easier than you think to create your very own dreamy home!
For more information on Krista Watterworth, please visit: