My First YouTube Video is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Accepted Donna Hill Howes nominated the Sharecare Advisory Board for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Here is my first YouTube Video featuring the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. For more information on ALS, please visit The ALS Association. I call out Harry Greenspun, MD, John La Puma, MD and Dennis Michaels, Esq.     #IceBucketChallenge #StrikeOutALS The ALS Association     Connect with Barbara | Stay…


Social Media: Pharma Industry Considers Patient Engagement a Must

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA The Pharmaceutical industry feels patient engagement is a priority, but lacks presence in the social media world.  There’s a better way for Pharma to get their message heard, and it requires going beyond the medications and stepping outside the silo. I’m not in Pharma, and I’m not a marketer, but I find it incredibly frustrating that Pharma lags behind in the social media world.  I had the opportunity to…


Blogworld and New Media Expo Offer Social Health Track

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Social media has changed the landscape in health care.  Social media is a powerful and phenomenal platform to help educate consumers, raise awareness of health issues and connect with consumers and colleagues. Social media gives a voice to patients and consumers and it allows the conversation to get started with doctors and other health care professionals.  Social media is all about the patient and it paves the way for…