Yoga: It’s Cool Like Tara Stiles and It’s Great for Your Health

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA [Today, I’m taking a quick break from writing on the swine flu, and I’m bringing you a post that is a little lighter and fun.  I hope you enjoy it.] Yoga for Beginners Tara Stiles is so cool. I don’t know Tara Stiles, I’ve never met Tara Stiles, and I’ve never even spoken to Tara Stiles. We’ve exchanged a few emails and I guess I can call her my…


Feeling Completely Worn-Out and Extremely Tired? Find Out What It Could Mean

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Her muscles and joints ached. Her throat was raw and sore and throbbing headaches came on without warning. She felt foggy-headed all the time, and had trouble remembering simple thoughts or following reruns of familiar TV sitcoms. Even though she was bone-tired all the time, she had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. And there was no stamina for everyday tasks, let alone the activities she enjoyed doing with…