Guest Blog by Carol Torgan, Ph.D., FACSM School bus stops, food courts, video arcades – everywhere we look we see evidence of the often repeated stat that nearly one in three U.S. children and adolescents aged 2 through 19 years are overweight or obese. In a recent briefing on childhood obesity held in Washington, D.C. to highlight a special issue of the health policy journal Health Affairs, numerous scary stats were presented. A few of…
Read More...What Moms Ought to Know About Pouring Their Child’s Medicine
By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA A Spoonful of Medicine: Not a good thing A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that people who use a kitchen spoons to pour liquid medicine aren’t getting the right dosage. Here’s what to use to get it right. Measuring Precisely is Vital Ask any pastry chef or professional baker, and they’ll tell you that using exact measurements in baking is critical for a successful end…
Read More...Dr. Greene’s Top Parenting Dos and Don’ts
Each day I see parents trying their best to do what’s right for their families, but no one has the perfect guidebook that tells parents what to do. Here are the top eight solvable problems that I advise parents to remedy today. 1. Do… Have confidence in your parenting style. Don’t… Worry about what your parents or the neighbors or your child’s teacher thinks about your parenting style. Create a parenting style that makes you…
Read More...Saving the Planet, One Diaper at a Time
By Alan Greene, MD As a father and pediatrician, I’ve changed many diapers-enough to teach me that diapers are a daily reminder that as humans we deplete resources as we consume, and we make messes with our waste. Those landfill diapers that are so easily tossed into the trash are clearly a major ecological issue. But what about the energy, water, and often chlorine involved in laundering cloth diapers? Comparing the environmental impact of different…
Read More...Back Up Your Child’s Diet
By Alan Greene, MD You know that it is wise to back up your computer’s hard drive; I recommend backing up your child’s food drive with a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement. This simple habit could improve your child’s health and even intelligence. I’ll explain briefly why I feel strongly about this: For young babies, breast milk provides an ideal food. The match between their complex nutritional needs and the milk that moms make is spectacular. In…