Speaking Events: Cleveland Clinic and HIMSS Arkansas

Upcoming speaking events for Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Ohio Patient Experience: Empathy and Innovation Summit May 19-22, 2012 Title: Social Media in Health Care Speakers Agenda Arkansas HIMSS Little Rock, Arkansas H.I.T. it to the Green with Leadership June, 1, 2012 Title: Using IT to Engage the Patient Speakers Agenda Guest speakers Cleveland Clinic Rob Bazemore, Jr. President Janssen Biotech Patricia Benner, RN, PhD, FAAN Professor Emerita University of California San…


Health Care: Less Blame and More Engagement

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA [This is a follow-up post to Social Media:  3 Notable Quotes in the Social Health Space.] Health care happens before you visit with your doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care provider. Health care is about you. You have the choice to be an empowered, engaged and proactive consumer, and you have the choice to take action to live a healthier life.  It’s important to partner with your doctor…


5 Buckets to Patient Engagement and the Role of HIT

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA What is patient engagement? Patient engagement is a connection between patient, caregiver and health care provider.  A trusted relationship forms and mutual respect is fostered.  Patients and their families are empowered and they are active in health care decisions.  However, patient engagement begins before the initial interaction with health care providers. When patients and consumers recognize the need to be in charge of their health, patient engagement evolves.  Patients…