By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Social Media is exploding in the health care arena, and social media is a powerful and phenomenal platform for engaging patients. Social Media is transforming health care today, and connecting people in real-time. Social Media is one of the best ways to engage patients. Social Media is about connection, collaboration, community and patient engagement. Doctors, nurses, other health professionals and the medical community communicate health information in a transparent…
Read More...Are Doctors in the Minority When it Comes to Social Media? Kevin Pho, MD Explains…
By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA The Health in 30® Radio Show Talks About Social Media and Medicine [display_podcast] Recently Kevin Pho, MD, a primary care physician and a nationally recognized medical commentator who publishes provocative medical commentary at, joined me on the Health in 30® Radio Show. Dr. Pho shared his insights and expertise regarding social media and medicine. Are doctors behind the curve when it comes to social media? Is the medical…
Read More...Is Big Business Responsible for the Nursing Shortage? Fred Pescatore, MD Thinks So
I sat down with Fred Pescatore, M.D., NY Times Best Selling Author and Practicing Family Physician in New York City to talk about the nursing shortage and the health care system. “The health care system doesn’t respect and protect nurses,” says Dr. Pescatore. Additionally, the whole problem with medicine, says Dr. Fred Pecatore is that, We’ve allowed big business to take over medicine, so when big business takes over medicine people don’t matter, and medicine…
Read More...Twitter Offers Web Presence for Doctors
By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA I asked Daniel Sands, MD, MPH, Director of Medical Informatics at Cisco IBSG and a primary care physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a few questions about twitter. 1. What value does tweeting health info bring to the public? By following tweets from health information sources that they trust, people can get general health tips, preventive health information, disease specific information, and even suggestions about to be more…