Patient-Centric Care Delivered with Patient-Friendly Apps

How to deliver patient-centric information By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA What if you could find out what your health care team is doing at any given moment while you wait in the emergency department or you are an admitted patient in the hospital. Dr. Bill Crounse, host of Health Tech Today talks with Microsoft researchers; Dan Morris and Amy Karlson (part of the team of Microsoft researchers) and they are investigating this question, “How…


Dr. Bill Crounse Talks with Todd Park: Comparing Health Insurance Plans Made Easy

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Microsoft’s Dr. Bill Crounse Talks with Todd Park, CTO of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, on Health Tech Today There is a plethora of health information for consumers today.  We are surrounded by smart meaningful material, but somehow it is easy to get lost in the maze of information.  We get stuck navigating through it and we find it hard to obtain information that is right…


Patient Engagement: Health IT, What Microsoft Health Users Group Exchange Means for you

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA How important is Health IT to you and should you care? At the Microsoft Health Users Group Exchange this month at the Microsoft Corporate Campus in Redmond, WA, patient engagement was the overall theme. Whether presenters were talking about “Cloud Computing,” “Care Coordination,” or “Population Health Management,” empowering the patient was the paradigm. “At the end of the day, we’re all patients,” Bill Crounse, MD, keynote speaker and Senior…


Legacy of NAMC Comes to a Halt, Founding Member Bill Crounse, MD Bids Farewell and AHCJ Open its Doors

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA First, I’d like to say with a very heavy heart how saddened I am by the news of the disbandment of NAMC… The National Association of Medical Communicators (NAMC) closes its doors after more than two decades of inspiring health professionals to accurately communicate health and medical information to the public. NAMC has been spearheading its members in broadcast journalism, but succumbs to the pressures to stay vibrant and…