Dr. Alan Greene at Health 2.0 Talks with Barbara Ficarra About Patient Communities

I was thrilled to be part of the Health 2.0 meets Information Therapy (Ix) Conference. I conducted a series of interviews, and here you’ll find the first interview with Dr. Alan Greene.  Dr. Greene discusses what Health 2.0 means and how it affects patients. Dr. Greene says that Health 2.0  is an exciting time in health care! Health 2.0 is “user generated health care, and when people are really well informed and take charge of…


Real Simple Magazine Taps Experts for Emergency Care Advice

Preparing for Life’s Mishaps by Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Having this card in your wallet could save your life in an ER When Real Simple Magazine reporter contacted me for a story on emergency rooms, I was delighted to help out.  I think it’s important for readers to have the perspective from a nurse on the front line of the ER as well as ER doctors. The March edition of Real Simple is on…