Fitness: Are you Ready for the 11 Weeks to Move it and Lose it Challenge?

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA We are into the second week of the New Year and if you made a resolution to focus on your health and to lose weight, it is not too late. Since you have decided that you are ready to begin the journey of weight loss and you are ready to tackle this endeavor, it is very helpful to have a team of experts ready and able to help you….


Holiday Exercise Made Easy

Guest post submitted by MD Anderson Cancer Center Forget the excuses for not exercising this holiday season. Even if you’re too busy to make it to the gym or your usual spinning class, you can still get the 30 minutes of daily moderate physical activity that your body needs to help fight off many forms of cancer and other diseases. All it takes is adding some heart-pumping twists to the tasks already on your holiday…