Write for Us
Healthin30.com is dedicated to providing the most accurate and reliable health and wellness news and information to our audience. We encourage you to share your writing with us. We welcome journalists, writers with expertise in their industry, and highly credentialed health care professionals to “tell a story” and educate consumers with simple jargon-free writing.
Healthin30 prides itself on accurate, timely, passionate, and quality articles/posts from a variety of topics that inform and educate its readers.
We’re always looking for experts in a variety of specialties to share their perspectives and knowledge. Our website covers a wide range of topics in long and short form. Our content is accurate, timely and useful.
If you’re detailed oriented, fastidious about accuracy, have a passion for writing, and you’re able to share health news and information in simple language, we want to hear from you. If you have a 30 second or 30 minute video to compliment your writing, all the better.
Health Topics
Our interest embodies the health arena. We cover a wide range of topics including:
- Health & Wellness
- Healthy Living
- Public Health
- Mental Health
- Self-Care
- Health Related Conditions
- Health Care
- Nutrition
- Health Technology|Digital Health
- Patient Engagement
- Patient Experience/Human Experience
- Health Care Social Media
Authors retain the rights to their work. While the authors hold the rights to the content, please note we would like to publish work that has not been previously published.
We accept both long form and short form entries—we’re looking for timely, original or evergreen content that enlightens and educates our audience.
We welcome your expertise. Whether you are a health care journalist, physician, nurse or other health care professional— we’re here to help amplify your voice with the stories you share. Engage with our Healthin30 audience and help make an impact by submitting a piece.
Accurate & Jargon-Free Information
Healthin30.com is dedicated to providing the most accurate and reliable health and medical news, stories and information for our audience. We invite highly qualified health and medical professionals and journalists to “tell a story” and educate consumers via short-form and long-form posts and articles.
Healthin30 is a site to learn new things, reexamine the basics and take action with content that is accurate, jargon-free and informative.
If you’re interested in submitting a long or short form piece, please contact the editor here. In the subject heading, please write “submissions” and include a brief summary and short bio. If accepted, you’ll be directed to how to submit your entry. Thank you.
The content on this website and related broadcasts is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical condition. Promptly seek professional medical care if you have any concern about your health. Always consult your physician before making any changes to your medical regimen.