Healthy Eating: Do You Know The Five Refuel Commandments?

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Okay men, this one’s for you. A healthy lifestyle reboot book that focuses on food, fitness and health. REFUEL, is a well-written book, with a dose of humor, by my friend and a leading health expert John La Puma, MD. REFUEL is a 24 day eating plan specifically engineered for the male brain and body designed to boost testosterone levels, help men shed fat, pump up strength and stamina…


A TEDEd Presentation, Sugar: Hiding in plain sight, plus other names for added sugar

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA This is a short charming animated informational TED-Ed Original presentation, Sugar: Hiding in plain sight-Robert Lustig. “While sugar is easy to spot in candy, soft drinks and ice cream, it also hides out in foods you might not expect — including peanut butter, pasta sauce and even bologna! Robert Lustig decodes confusing labels and sugar’s many aliases to help determine just how much of that sweet carbohydrate makes its…


Are Healthcare Consumers at the Forefront of Digital Health?

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA and Ben Heubl Simply put, healthcare is about the patient. Healthcare is a multidisciplinary team approach and patients are at the center of healthcare. The urge to understand healthcare and medicine from the perspective of the patient, or consumer, is something that even key stockholders fail to understand, writes David Shaywitz in a Forbes piece. The author refers to an article from The Journal of the American Medical Association…


Twitter Heart Chat: Sharecare and American Heart Association

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Twitter Chats are a powerful way to share valuable information in real-time.  Sharecare and the American Heart Association partner to host a Twitter Chat on Heart Health. Please join the Twitter Chat today, February 20, 2014 from 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. EST, and use the Hashtag #HeartChat. In support of the 50th anniversary of American Heart Month, the American Heart Association (AHA) and Sharecare, the online health and…


Virtual Summit to Empower Caregivers

Please join us today, February 11, 2014 for a virtual summit for caregivers. Impact80 Virtual Summit is the first global conference, to be held online with 1 goal in mind – to support and reach as many women & men who work full or part-time while caring for a sick, disabled child or aging parent. Impact80 Summit will provide caregivers with mental health, caregiving, patient engagement resources, tips and information they need. Goldina Erowele, PharmD,…