When It Comes to Your Health and Wellness, Who Cares?
Dr. Jason A. Deitch, D.C.

Jason Dietch
With the constant threat of heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the annual flu, most people are becoming more and more concerned about their health and wellness. The problem is that most people haven’t figured out what to do to maximize their innate potential to be healthy while reducing their risk of disease. Instead they are confused, worried and stay too busy to take care of themselves. They put work; money and family ahead of their own need to take care of their own health. Until one day when it happens, either due to a symptom that causes concern or during an annual visit to the doctor, suddenly life changes when a doctor gives a diagnosis.
It’s ironic that until a doctor says, “you have _______” many people aren’t able to find the time or money to focus on improving their health. But once the doctor tells you that you have a medical condition that requires taking drugs for the rest of your life, people respond in one of two ways. Either they say, no way I’m not going to stand for that and they make adjustments to their lifestyle or they say oh well too late, I guess I might as well just do what the doctor says and take the drugs. The doctor is a lot smarter than I am, they must know what is right for me.

Discover Wellness Book Cover
So which person are you? If a doctor told you right now that you had a lifestyle related medical condition that requires you to take medication for the rest of your life, how would you respond? If you are the type of person who says, “I would ask questions and learn what I can do to live healthier and improve my health because I don’t want live on drugs forever,” than today is your wake up call.
I am here to tell you that research has proven time and time again that people who proactively adopt healthy habits have much higher chances of preventing diseases that require a lifetime of drugs, than those who are too busy taking care of everything else and not themselves. You do not need to wait until you are diagnosed with a sickness to do the things that will make you healthier.
What is so ironic is that it usually costs more time and more money to manage a disease than it does to say healthy. Increased doctors visits, pharmacy visits and the financial cost of both often require your time and money for the rest of your life. So the people who are most busy and can’t afford the time or money to take care of themselves, are often the people who spend the most time and money trying to manage their sickness instead of managing their health.
The national bestseller Discover Wellness: How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich, documents this problem that has become America’s #1 Crisis and offers simple solutions most anyone can afford. In addition to the obvious solutions of eating better and exercising more, Discover Wellness reveals some of the best-kept secrets in health care today. Understanding the role that stress plays in our lives and health and the important most overlooked component, the relationship of our body’s structural alignment and our health, are two important factors most people have yet to incorporate into their healthy lifestyle.
In addition, Discover Wellness offers valuable direction on how to create your own wellness team of professionals seeking to help you, help yourself. In the confusing and often contradicting world of health and wellness, there are professionals who can become your beacon of light and help you navigate the best strategies to attain your greatest results.
There are 7 conditions causing America’s #1 crisis and there are 7 steps you can take to create a wellness lifestyle that can dramatically improve your health in 90 days or less. It is a formula that has been time tested and works for millions; it simply requires your awareness and effort. We reveal these steps and secrets to inspire you to take action and save your own life.
I have heard it over and over again, “I would love to do it but I just don’t have the time or money to take better care of myself.” As a doctor, I can tell you over and over again, “you can’t afford not to take better care of yourself.” Studies reveal that over 50% of personal bankruptcies are related to medical debt, more than 70% of our health care dollars are spent treating the effects of preventable disease and 7 out of 10 deaths in America are a result of lifestyle related preventable disease. Your only question is, are you going to pay now or pay later?
In doing the research for Discover Wellness, we discovered that there is a profession, made up of compassionate doctors willing to become your wellness doctor. They have the tools, techniques and technology to help you and they care enough about you and your health to invest the time it takes to help you.
In this important time of seeking solutions to America’s health care crisis, when we stare in the face of economic disaster due to the fact that 78 million baby boomers will soon be entitled to medical care paid for by our tax dollars. These professionals are coming together to step up and lead their communities out of the craziness of our present health care system. They offer common sense solutions to helping you and your family, get and stay well naturally. Find out what you can do to make the difference in your life today. Discover Wellness, the ultimate solution to America’s health care crisis and discover how staying healthy can make you rich.
Dr. Jason A. Deitch is the co-author of Discover Wellness, How staying health can make you rich. He is also the CWO Chief Wellness Officer at The Masters Circle, the nation’s top leadership training firm for wellness professionals. He is also the CWO for WellCall, Inc., a company focused on providing solutions to the national health care crisis by helping employers reduce the cost of medical care by coaching employees on how to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. With over 10 years in the industry and over 2 million lives who have access to WellCall’s services, they are known as an innovative leader in the corporate wellness industry.
For more info go to Discoverwellnesscenter.com!