Helping Seniors Stay Safe on the Road by John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS

John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS
In 20 years, 1 in 5 Americans will be age 65 and older. That’s double the number today. In 2004, there were 28 million older licensed drivers, up nearly 20% from 1994. What are the facts about older drivers?
- The motor vehicle is the major form of transportation across all ages-to include 60% of adults ages 85 and up!
- Driving is a symbol of independence.
- The number of miles driven by older drivers is less than for all other age groups.
- Motor vehicle crash is the leading cause of injury-related death among ages 65-74, and second only to falls among ages 75-84.
- Fatality rate per mile driven for ages 65 and older nearly equals the fatality rate per mile drive for ages < 25.
- Older drivers are 12% of the population, yet account for 15% of traffic fatalities.
- Age causes fragility: an older body is less able to withstand injury from a crash.
- In a given crash, an older driver is 4 times more likely to die from the crash than a 20 year old driver.
- The chance of an 85 year old man dying from a car crash is 9 times higher than a 45 year old man in the same crash.
- Older drivers crash because of inattention (which affects all age groups) and slowed perception and response to driving cues.
- What challenges does aging create for older drivers?
- Driving ability declines as we age, yet driving fitness is about function, not age.
- Medical conditions themselves can reduce function for driving:
- Cataracts and macular degeneration reduce vision.
- Diabetes can reduce sensation of the feet on the pedals.
- Emerging Alzheimer’s disease can reduce awareness and response.
- Arthritis can make it painful to turn the steering wheel.
- Medications for pain, muscle relaxation, and hypertension, have side effects, like drowsiness and blurry vision that can impair driving function.
- Safe driving requires three essential functions: vision, thought, and movement.
- Vision = 95% of driving sensory input
- Thought = memory, visual perception, selective attention, & decision-making
- Movement = muscle strength & endurance, joint movement & flexibility
- Alarms of driving impairment:
- Stopping in traffic for no apparent reason, difficulty making left hand turns, and confusing the brake and gas pedals.
- New scrapes and dents on the car, damage to garage walls and posts around the driveway.
- Difficulty getting in and out of chairs, dropping things, weakening handshake, difficulty seeing shapes.
- How can older drivers overcome these challenges to stay safe on the road?
- Older drivers can adjust their own driving habits to accommodate physical changes of aging.
- Reduce mileage in general & long highway trips
- Avoid driving at rush hour
- Drive a route that avoids busy intersections
- Crash prevention includes
- Optimizing the driver
- “Annual 65+ check-up,” just like servicing the car at 65,000+ miles
- Assessment of driving function, with physical and medication adjustments to bring impaired function to safe function
- Driving rehabilitation specialists have expertise to improve the interaction between driver, vehicle, and road.
- Optimizing the driving environment
- Change behavior on the road by driving lower speed roads in daylight hours
- Engage communities in better traffic design with controlled intersections, larger & brighter signs and symbols, lower speed limits, and better reflective road lines.
- Optimize the vehicle
- Improve ease of entry & exit from vehicle.
- Place wide-angle rear view mirrors.
- Make seats more comfortable.
- Adjust dashboard displays with high-contrast symbols and letters
- Enhance crash protection with reliable restraints, sequential airbags, and head rest adjustments.
- Driving retirement means that adjustments cannot overcome functional decline.
- “What good is driving if you are going to get hurt or hurt others?”
- Alternate senior friendly transportation is available, accessible, acceptable, affordable, and adaptable.
- Community support is essential for viable alternatives to driving.
- Optimizing the driver
- Older drivers can adjust their own driving habits to accommodate physical changes of aging.
- Older drivers more likely to die in the event of a car crash than younger drivers.
- Vision, reaction time, and movement decline with aging.
- Recognition of aging changes can lead to interventions that keep older drivers safe on the road.
- Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration
- Driving Safely While Aging Gracefully
-Click Traffic Safety tab and Older Drivers on side index
- Driver safety on-line course
Copyright 2007 by John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS