How to be Wildly Popular-Part 1

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA

Inspiration for writing

I thought I’d share my latest post, The 3 Secrets to a Wildly Popular YOU, published on HuffingtonPost that appears in the Living News and Happiness section.

Thanks to all my HuffPost readers for their Twitter ReTweets and comments.

How to be Wildly Popular-Part 1

It’s amazing where inspiration comes from. It can come unexpectedly from anywhere at any time.

I’ll admit it; writer’s block was hitting me hard. While I have a ton of outlines written for future blogs, I was uninspired to use any of them here and now.

I wanted something different. I wanted to see or hear something that would make me delve into writing, something that would let me become lost in the luster of words.

I found it. It wasn’t something that I read in the newspaper, it wasn’t anything that I found from surfing the web, and it wasn’t from a popular health site either. It wasn’t from something that someone said or did and it wasn’t from any local news update or any wildly popular TV show or book; it came from a super wildly popular blog.

And it’s interesting that the blog I read on Brian Clark’s Copyblogger was about learning the secrets to becoming a popular blogger; it was a blog on blogging.

I love Copyblogger, and it was this very blog about blogging that inspired me to write; it inspired me to take these simple blogging tips about blogging and make them about YOU!

Who would’ve thought a blog about blogging would inspire me to write a blog on healthy living.I’ve revised it to fit into your “life.”

So what are the The 3 Secrets to a Wildly Popular YOU?

Find out here in Part 2 of How to be Wildly Popular

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