Helping Seniors Stay Safe on the Road…Hosted by Medical Expert Dr. John Armstrong, Trauma Surgeon from the University of Florida

John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS
Dr. John Armstrong, prominent trauma surgeon and surgical educator from Gainesville, FL, Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Florida College of Medicine and Assistant Director of Trauma, Shands at the University of Florida Medical Center, a Level I trauma center, a graduate of Princeton University and the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons will be the Guest Host of Health in 30!
Dr. Armstrong will bring his expertise to the listeners as a medical expert and host to talk about “Helping Seniors Stay Safe on the Road.” With this being the start of Memorial Day Weekend, listen-up! Tune in from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm EST to listen to Dr. Armstrong share his insights into ways that older drivers, their families, and their communities can overcome the challenges of aging and keep seniors driving safely on the road.
Click here to read his article Helping Seniors Stay Safe on the Road.
Dr. Armstrong was one of the attendees at the American Medical Association’s Medical Communications Conference in April in Tampa, Florida and he was chosen to host his own show during the Pre-Conference Workshop, “Getting On-Air: What a Passion, A Goal, and Hard Work Can Do,” taught by Barbara Ficarra and Pat Murphy.
Hello, and thanks for posting this. Found your site just browsing around the web. Quite informative.