Krista Watterworth
By Krista Watterworth, Host and Designer, HGTV’s “Save My Bath”
Tuesdays at 8:30pm & 12:30am, Saturdays at 1pm
Entertaining for the holidays? Don’t neglect one very important space in your home…your bathroom. Below are seven tips on how to get your loo in tip top shape so your guests feel festive even when they’re doing their business.
- Scents make sense! Get some scented candles or plug in wall scent ports or diffusers in holiday smells. Eggnog or Winterberry “Wallflowers” from Bath & Bodyworks are really delicious plug ins that will continue to waif through the air for weeks. And Yankee Candles in Cinnamon Stick or Holiday Sage are also very scent-a-licious.
- Light the way! If you don’t have a window in your bathroom, create one with Christmas lights. Choose a wall that is at least 4 feet from a major water source and create a “light box”. Buy some u-shaped nails (often used by your cable guy) and affix the wire to the wall in a box-shape. Plug it in and you’ve got a cool piece of light art that brings some warmth to the space.
- TP can inspire! Renovacolors.com provides toilet paper in bright colors, which are perfect for the holidays. Its non toxic and biodegradable. How cool is that!
- Color it up! Don’t be afraid of color. Why not paint an accent wall in your bathroom a Christmas red or Hanukah blue (depending on your holiday experience)? You may love it so much you keep it all year long! Holly Berry by Benjamin Moore is a fabulous rich red, and Blueberry is a beautiful, bright blue that will give your space that seasonal flair.
- Art is Easy! Buy yourself four 24 x 24 canvases at your local Michael’s Craft Store. Also get some acrylic paints in four different holiday colors, as well as a four large paint brushes. And have fun! Saturate each canvas with one color, mixing in some black or white for texture, let them dry and hang them with pride! You can even move them to another room after the holidays.
- Accessorize like crazy! Geo Bath Accessories by Studio sold at JC Penny in the color Cranapple or Taragon will give your space that touch of holiday flair. As well as the Reversible Rug by Studio in the same colors.
- Stencils are hot! You don’t have to go over the top with a holiday theme. You can create a “mood” with stencils. How about stenciling the Japanese symbol for “happiness” or “love” on your wall in a repetitive pattern in your favorite holiday colors. After all, holidays should be happy, right? So spread the cheer! Fauxlikeapro.com is a great place for stencil art.
So don’t forget, your commode should be holiday-inspiring part of your abode. A room worth celebrating!
Krista Watterworth was a recent guest of Barbara Ficarra’s on the Health in 30 Radio Show. For more info go to Kristawatterworth.com and urboeclectic.com!