Guest post by Phil Baumann
Hashtag for Twitter Chat for Doctors is #MDChat
Physicians are an important part our society, possessing a wide array of knowledge and experience and insight into the human condition. The public value of this collective reservoir of talent is priceless.
As the pace of our world quickens and the demand for information rises, needs for easily accessible commons for physicians to air their perspectives – from health to technology to politics – will grow.
One such simple and easily accessible commons is the ambient chatter that Twitter can foster.
MDchat: The World’s First Twitter Chat for Doctors
Read more about the world’s first Twitter chat for physicians here.
Your turn
We would love to hear from you. Let us know what you think about Twitter Chat for Doctors. The first #MDchat will be held Tuesday, October 5, 2010 12:30pm EDT. We would love to know if you participate. Thanks so much.
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