Dr. Alan Greene at Health 2.0 Talks With Barbara Ficarra About Social Media and Participatory Medicine

I continue my interviews at Health 2.0 with Dr. Alan Greene and here you can watch the second part of the interview. I talk with Dr. Greene about social media and participatory medicine.  Dr. Greene discusses physician attitudes towards increased patient engagement in health. [The next Health 2.0 conferences are Oct. 6-7, 2009 in San Francisco and April 6-7, 2010 in Paris]. Please Watch – Part 2 of 2


Dr. Alan Greene at Health 2.0 Talks with Barbara Ficarra About Patient Communities

I was thrilled to be part of the Health 2.0 meets Information Therapy (Ix) Conference. I conducted a series of interviews, and here you’ll find the first interview with Dr. Alan Greene.  Dr. Greene discusses what Health 2.0 means and how it affects patients. Dr. Greene says that Health 2.0  is an exciting time in health care! Health 2.0 is “user generated health care, and when people are really well informed and take charge of…


After 40 Years, Patients Still Crave Attention and Respect

The Doctor/Patient Relationship By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA What do patients want?  Despite the technological promises of the Health 2.0 movement, in some ways it’s really no different today than it was forty years ago. An article that appeared in Time Magazine on May 13, 1966 says: Today, Americans get far better medical care than ever before; as for the rest [of the doctor-patient relationship], they are often lucky to get as much as…


Health 2.0 Conference Meets in Boston

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Health and Medical Professionals I am excited to be part of the Health 2.0 phenomenon and I am eagerly awaiting this unique conference in Boston on April 22-23rd at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. I will be conducting a radio and on-camera interviews with some of the guests and I’m thrilled I’ll be able to bring them to you. The theme of the conference is “The Great Debates on…