How to Save a Life – Push Hard and Fast

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA What would you do? What would you do if you witnessed the sudden collapse of an adult? Would you just stand-by and watch? Would you call 911?  Would you initiate CPR? Research reveals that bystanders have been reluctant to perform CPR on a person who drops to the ground because they are hesitant about putting their mouth on a stranger’s mouth. Good news…mouth-to-mouth isn’t required Even without CPR training…


7 Reasons Kids are Fat and 7 Simple Ways to Fight back

Guest Blog by Carol Torgan, Ph.D., FACSM School bus stops, food courts, video arcades – everywhere we look we see evidence of the often repeated stat that nearly one in three U.S. children and adolescents aged 2 through 19 years are overweight or obese. In a recent briefing on childhood obesity held in Washington, D.C. to highlight a special issue of the health policy journal Health Affairs, numerous scary stats were presented. A few of…


Do You Know the Signs of a Heart Attack?

By Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Are you thinking about the classic Hollywood example? The classic example of a Hollywood heart attack is a person clutching their chest, gasping for a breath and falling to the ground. After all, Hollywood is hot for drama, and when it comes to portraying a person having a heart attack, the exaggerated Hollywood version is far more riveting than a person sitting quietly wondering if their very slight arm…