Media Training

With her extensive background in media and medicine, Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA  is uniquely qualified to train other medical professionals to communicate with the public.

She has led workshops and served as a one-on-one trainer to individual doctors, nurses and other professionals to prepare them to be successful with television, radio, public speaking, social media and other forms of communication.

To contact Barbara Ficarra about media training services, click here.

30th Annual Medical Communications Conference – Atlanta, Georgia – August 2010

  • Hitting the Mark In-Air: Unleash Your Message with a Story in :60 or 30:00;  The Techniques are the Same

YOU, the expert will learn how to capture the audience with your story and you will learn to stay on your message whether you are on-air for :60 or 30:00. Learn techniques to help you enhance your message on air-on and share your story so it is compelling and powerful.

Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA, Executive Producer & Host Health in 30® Radio Show


Christopher Springmann, Executive Producer & Host, Life Love and Health Radio Show


  • The Rise of the e-Patient and Implications of Social Media Health Care Content – Barbara and Matthew Holt, TheHealthCareBlog are scheduled to present.
  1. Engage and Educate the Health Consumer through Social Media.
  2. Learn how to engage health consumers through blogs, twitter and facebook.
  3. Step out of your comfort zone and explore new insights and technology.

Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA Executive Producer  & Host Health in 30® Radio Show, Founder


Matthew Holt, Founder, the Healthcare Blog

Barbara taught two electives at this year’s 29th Annual American Medical Association’s Medical Communications Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, April 1-3, 2009.

  • You: The Smart Medical Expert-Finding Your Voice in the Blogging World!
  • How to be the Perfect Radio Guest or Host: Working Both Sides of the Mic! (Partner Christopher Springmann)

Presentations at the 2007 and 2008 American Medical Association’s Medical Communications Conferences

  • “Are you Ready . . . for Prime Time? Getting on Air! Tips, Tricks and Techniques,” a large-group training workshop
  • “On-Camera Techniques” one-on-one sessions
  • “Insiders Guide to Getting on the Air”, large-group training workshop

New Media Training

“Engaging Conversations.  Transforming Health.”™

30th Annual Medical Communications Conference – Atlanta, Georgia – August 2010

  • The Rise of the e-Patient and Implications of Social Media Health Care Content – Barbara and Matthew Holt, TheHealthCareBlog are scheduled to present.

Barbara is available to train health care professionals to help them learn how to engage health consumers through social media.

  • Health Care Blogging
  • How to Make the Most of Social Networking for Health Care Professionals
  • Social Media and Medicine – The New Frontier

Barbara is available to train individuals and groups to help them learn how to leverage social media to build their brand.