Moderator for YOU the Owner’s Manual for Teens Live Call-in Show

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First Picture – (Left to Right) Donna Hill Howes, RN, MS, Senior Vice-President, Sharecare and Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA, Founder, Writer, and Health Educator & Editorial Advisory Board Sharecare, took a seat at FOX for a live web show until the guests were ready to roll live. The panelists, Mehemet Oz, MD, Michael Roizen, MD and Ellen Rome, MD authors of YOU The Owner’s Manual for Teens recently answered questions live from teens. Donna Hill Howes and Barbara Ficarra moderated the show behind the scenes choosing pressing and relevant questions from teens that needed to be answered by the experts.

Second Picture – (Left to Right) Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA and Mehmet Oz, MD